Fixing 'Digital Envelope Routines Unsupported' Issue on Apple Silicon Processors

1 min read.
Tags: node-js

Encountering the Digital Envelope Routines Unsupported error when executing older Node.js code on the latest Node.js version on Apple Silicon Processors is a common issue. The solution to this problem involves a straightforward step: installing Rosetta.

To address this issue and ensure seamless execution of your Node.js code, follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Enter the command: softwareupdate --install-rosetta

This command initiates the installation of Rosetta, which facilitates the execution of older code on the latest Node.js version without encountering the Digital Envelope Routines Unsupported error.

Implementing this solution allows compatibility between the different Node.js versions on Apple Silicon Processors, enabling smooth and error-free execution of your code.

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